Please follow these instructions carefully.
We are not responsible for complications resulting from failure to follow post-operative instructions.
- Food & Water
Any lethargy, refusal to eat, diarrhea, or vomiting beyond 24 hours is not normal.
- Pain Medication
All dogs will go home with prescription pain medication. Be sure to follow all instructions outlined on the container. Be careful not to over-administer medication.
Cats receive a long lasting, 24-hour pain injection, but we do recommend purchasing additional medications. Our team can assist with any additional needs at check out.
- Environment
- Activity
Keep males and females apart.
- Incision
Be sure to check your pet’s area of incision twice daily to ensure that it is healing. Redness and swelling near the incision should be minimal. We recommend that every pet wear an E-Collar to prevent licking and chewing. We carry E-Collars for purchase.
You’ll notice that your pet received a small green tattoo near their incision. The tattoo lets other veterinarians know that they have been fixed, should your pet get lost.
Also, the sutures your pet received are absorbable, unless otherwise stated by your technician at pick-up. Do NOT administer any human products, herbs, or supplements by mouth, or apply ointments/sprays of any kind to the incision.